Sabbat: The Black Hand - A Review

Описание к видео Sabbat: The Black Hand - A Review

The Sabbat are the vampires the other vampires are afraid of. The antagonist sect in Vampire: The Masquerade, the Sabbat fling themselves headlong into the Gehenna War and their lack of secrecy has cost them at the hands of the Second Inquisition. A full book on the Sabbat has further emphasized the ways that the sect is used differently in V5 - specifically, that they are not available as protagonists. Is there anything in Sabbat: The Black Hand for players who are unsatisfied with this state of affairs? And what about players who like the status of the Sabbat in V5?

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- Contents -
00:00 - Introduction
01:52 - The Sabbat as Purely Antagonists in V5
07:20 - What's Up With The Sabbat These Days
15:12 - Paths of Enlightenment
21:41 - Disciplines, Rituals, and Ceremonies
30:21 - Other Content
31:22 - Final Thoughts


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