Secular Music: Robin Et Marion, Llibre Vermell and other... - Studio der frühen Musik

Описание к видео Secular Music: Robin Et Marion, Llibre Vermell and other... - Studio der frühen Musik

Ensemble: Early Music Quartet, Studio der frühen Musik
Album: Robin Et Marion • Llibre Vermell U.A. - Weltliche Musik Um 1300
Video: Ms-Bodl-264 (XIVth cent.)
  / musicamedievale  

This recording dates back to 1966 and concerns secular music of the XIVth century. It was one of the first recordings, perhaps the first, to investigate and perform medieval music pieces that have come down to us, fundamental for early music's knowledge such as the Llivre Vermell de Montserrat and Le Jeu de Robin et Marion. It will be easy for you to notice how the performance choices presented for the first time to the public in this recording have subsequently remained almost unchanged over the years, despite the fact that they belong to a repertoire that has been extensively re-proposed by early music ensembles.

1 Pierekins de la Coupele - Chançon faz non pas vilaine
2 Moniot d'Arras - Ce fu(t) en mai
3 Anon. - Souvent souspire
4 Anon. - La Chasse: Se je chant
5 Anon. - He, Marotele / En la praerie / Aptatur
6 Anon. - O natio / Hodie perlustravit
7 Anon. - El mois d'avril / O quam sancta / Et gaudibit
8 Anon. ca 1300, Bamberg, Dombibliothek, Codex Bamberg Ed. IV 6 - L'Autre jour/Au tens pascour/In seculum
9 Anon. - Mout me fu grief / Robins m'aime / Portare
10 Adam de la Halle - Le jeu de Robin et Marion
11 Anon., Italy, XIVth c., Brit. Lib. Add. 29987 f. 56-64v - Trotto
12 Anon., ca 1300, Cambridge, King's College, Muniment Roll 2 W. 32 - Bryd one brere
13 Meister Alexander - Hie vor dô wir kînder wâren
14 Pseudo-Neidhart - Winter dîner künfte
15 Anon. Llibre Vermell de Montserrat - Song: O Virgo splendens
Virelai danse: Stella splendens
Song: Laudemus virginem
Song: Splendens ceptrigera
Ballad/danse: Los set goyts
Virelai: Cuncti simus concanentes
Virelai/danse: Polorum regina
Virelai: Mariam matrem virginem
Motet: Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa
Virelai: Ad mortem festinamus

Baritone Vocals - Karl Heinz Klein (10)
Countertenor Vocals - Grayston Burgess (15)
Tenor Vocals - Nigel Rogers (1, 2, 4, 10, 12), Willard Cobb (4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15)
Mezzo-soprano Vocals - Andrea Von Ramm (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15)
Choir – Münchener Marienknaben, Conductor: Kurt Rith (15)
Baglama - Thomas Binkley (10)
Chalumeau - Caroline Butcher (3, 11)
Flute – Lore Wehrung (1, 10, 15)
Chitarra Saracena - Thomas Binkley (3, 15)
Lute - Thomas Binkley (1, 2, 13)
Portative Organ - Andrea Von Ramm (11)
Percussion - Horst Huber (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15)
Citole - Thomas Binkley (11)
Rebec - Sterling Jones (2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12)
Shawm - Thomas Binkley (10)
Trombone - Franz Eder (6, 7)
Viol - Sterling Jones (1, 8, 9, 14)

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