Angela Duckworth in Conversation with Kat Cole

Описание к видео Angela Duckworth in Conversation with Kat Cole

Angela Duckworth is the Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, faculty co-director of the Penn-Wharton Behavior Change for Good Initiative, and faculty co-director of Wharton People Analytics. A 2013 MacArthur Fellow, Angela has advised the US Department of Education, the World Bank, NBA and NFL teams, and Fortune 500 CEOs. She is the founder of CharacterLab, a nonprofit that advances scientific insights to help kids thrive. Kat Cole is the CEO of Athletic Greens and spoke at the Welcome Conference in 2022.
2023 Welcome Conference
Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center
September 18th, 2023
Years ago, we set out to create the Welcome Conference, a day where people passionate about hospitality can come together and be inspired by others who embody it each day.

What started as a place for people to network, give inspiration, and share ideas has since evolved. We’ve welcomed over 90 speakers, on three storied stages in New York City — Cooper Union, The New York Times Center, and Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center — that have shared their stories to over 5,000 people live and hundreds of thousands online.

We believe that living a life of hospitality will have a positive impact on our culture and the stories that we collect are worthy of sharing. In fact, you can find every video since 2014 on our page.


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