Motocross Training at EZIA Human Performance

Описание к видео Motocross Training at EZIA Human Performance

Cory Freeman is at EZIA HP to train for his Motocross season today. Cory likes to train hard, and train smart. He says "You can't expect to gout there and win without any hard work. Nothing comes easy, you gotta train, you gotta work your ass off. Then you will take it to that next level!" Cory likes to go as fast as he can, for as long as he wants... so we are all about speed and explosiveness in his workout today.

Together we are doing 5 basic exercises that are specifically geared towards the major movements of his sport. Try these exercises on your own, realize that you barely need any equipment to do them all. Learn the each exercise in the circuit slowly, then once you have got the hang of them try 3-4 circuits as quickly as you can, safely.

Sports movements: Exercise Name: Notes:

Starting Single arm Snatch I said power clean in the video, but his shoulders where tight so we did a snatch, it's more challenging too

Cornering Split lunge with med ball Split your legs front to back fast, swing the ball or heavy object side to side in the opposite direction with vigor

Whoops Box Blast Light feet, powerful hip action, like a piston that takes a pounding effortlessly. Be nimble, be quick.

Big Air Tuck jump Take approach steps, explode over a large object, sail through the air and remain weightless at the peak as long as possible. Land soft!

Landings Full body depth drop Sprawl to all fours, absorb weight softly, don't bottom out, spring back to your feet like a cat.

We have a lot of respect for Cory, and Motocross athletes everywhere - who have a tremendous work ethic and athletic drive to be at the top. It is absolutely one of the most intense and physically demanding sports in the world, plus the risks and the rewards are at an all time high. Don't mess around, take your career and your body seriously. Call us or email us at EZIA for a more complete training program, this is only the tip of the iceberg.


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