From Thesis to Book: Making Information Accessible

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How might you publish your thesis as an accessible book that is a blessing to the church?
Presenter: Ian Darke
When Ian became a Christian during his teen years, he had lots of questions about faith, life, and the universe. So friends lent him books that helped him. He’s been a lover of and an advocate for the written word since. At university, he studied Pure Mathematics, taught for a while, and then worked in student ministry with IFES, at first in the U.K. and then in Peru. It was during that time when he saw how few relevant resources were available to students and to the church in general.
Around 1992, with no experience, together with a group of Peruvian friends, they formed a publishing ministry called PUMA, which continues to grow to this day. Ian has been involved in publishing ever since. In the late 90’s, Letra Viva, a network of publishing ministries in South America was born. Ian has been the Coordinator of Letra Viva since its formation. Ian coordinated the publishing of the landmark Latin American Bible Commentary that was published in 2019 after 12 years of work that included contributions from more than 100 writers from each part of the continent, many of whom had never written before.
Ian’s book newest book is called From Dissertation to Christian Book and was just released by Regnum Books, the publishing arm of the Oxford Center for Mission Studies in the UK.


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