Gaenslens Test

Описание к видео Gaenslens Test

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The Gaenslen’s Test is used to detect sacroiliac joint involvement. This test is performed with the patient in the supine position with the side to be assessed close to the edge of the examination table. Ask the patient to lower the limb to hang free from the table and then grasp the opposite knee and draw it to the chest. Place a hand on each limb and apply pressure to increase the extension and flexion of the hips. This test is considered positive if the patient experiences pain in the posterior pelvis in the area of the sacroiliac joint on the hyperextended side, implicating the involvement of that joint.

In the final testing position, pain may also arise from several other structures. For example, if the test produces anterior thigh pain or paraesthesia, it may indicate femoral nerve involvement. If the test produces anterior upper thigh or groin pain, it may indicate hip joint or hip flexor involvement. This test may also be performed with the patient lying on the side.


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