GSM Services

Описание к видео GSM Services

GSM Services:
The GSM services subdivide into the Bearer Services and the Teleservices. These base services are supplemented by the Supplementary Services. In addition, we have the Value Added Services.

The Bearer Services are telecommunication services that guarantee the transmission of signals between access points in telecommunication networks. They are used exclusively for transport and define the services a network can offer, for example data transmission between a corporate network and a mobile notebook, or data download from the web.

The Teleservices are telecommunication services as well as functions that enable communication between users, and are based on protocols agreed on by the network operators. Teleservices affect the final link in the communication process - the end user. They include telephone services, emergency calls, the Short Message Service, E-mail and fax.

Supplementary Services modify or add to the basic telecommunication services. They are only offered in combination with a Bearer Service or a Teleservice. The same Supplementary Service can be applied to a range of Telecommunication Services. Most of these services have been inherited directly from fixed networks, with some concessions as regards their adjustment to the mobile radio network. Supplementary Services include e.g. line identification and call forwarding. Value-Added Services depend on the service provider or network operator they are supplied by. They are not predefined in specifications, and include e.g. reservation or information services.


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