Ziya Azazi - WORKSHOP (Dervish Tango with Ibrahim Abdo) CCDC, Egypt

Описание к видео Ziya Azazi - WORKSHOP (Dervish Tango with Ibrahim Abdo) CCDC, Egypt

Dervish Tango:

Where participants spin in couples our group to experience what means being with someone? In the extraordinary state of spinning world being in couples changes once again all perceptions about being in dialogue! There we start seeing clearly our intuitive & decided habits about our personality in relationships, where also we get the chance to refine, change, improve them!

Azazi has been performing, creating & cooperating in around 50 and workshopping in 30 countries. But also lecturing in academic and non-academic settings (a.o. at Goldsmiths University; London/UK; Culture University Istanbul/TR; University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna/A; TEDx Talks, IKU/Istanbul/TR). Rounded average (last 10 years) per year 35 trips, 45 performances, 10 workshops, 14 countries, 1creation, 1,5 cooperations.

www.ziyaazazi.com, [email protected], www.facebook.com/ziyaazazi, www.instagram.com/ziyaazazi


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