#1 Android App With Source Code | Android | Movies App | Paging | Hilt | Retrofit | Android Studio

Описание к видео #1 Android App With Source Code | Android | Movies App | Paging | Hilt | Retrofit | Android Studio

Part 2 Video :
   • #2 Project Setup |  Android developme...  

Full Movie App Playlist :
   • MoviesApp  

Android Interview Questions Playlist:
   • Interview Questions  

In this video I have illustrated the android app for my next android development playlist. It is a movies app build in android studio to display list of movies from TMDB Api. It implements many advance features including but not limited to :
1. Glide for images
2. DI using Hilt
3. View Binding
4. Dark Theme Support
5. One activity design
6. MVVM architecture
7. Paging Online & Offline support
8. Unit test with Mockito
9. Retrofit for Api Call
10. Room for offline support
11. Infinite scrolling with paging 3

In this series we will develop this app from scratch and will see its free source code and I will also explain you about the components used. Please stay tuned for this series all videos will be uploaded soon.

#androidapps #androidapp #moviesapp #applicationdevelopment #nativeandroid #advanceandroidapp #retrofit #hilt #unittesting #paging #jetpackcompose #jetpackcomponents #mvvm #androiddeveloper
#android #androiddevelopers #androidstudio #sourcecode


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