Chekhov's Gun

Описание к видео Chekhov's Gun

From my album "Waiting..."

Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov often gave the following advice to young playwrights: if a story element is introduced early in a story, it must be useful and integral to the plot. He often used a gun as example: if a rifle is shown early in a play, it should be fired at some later point.
"So there must come a time for me to rise"

Dusty old Hunting rifle
Hanging from the wall
I wonder what it's for...

Laid out in the open,
Mattress on the floor
Must be something more...

Everyone who lives here are
Are proper pacifists
Never raised a fist...

It just won't let me rest,
That gun on my chest
Pressing like it has
for years on end...

Well I'm here, aren't I?
This you can't deny
So there must come a time
for me to rise

I'll take to the stage
Renounce this rotten age
I'll take a page,
From you
only you

Oh and my calling will call as it
Calls to us all
If I wait long enough it will
Open the door
And I'll finally know what
I am here for
And until then I'll
Sit back and ignore ---

Oh a dusty old hunting rifle
Pressed against the door
Oh I've been here before

But this time I've got
the key to the lock
Oh let me out
into the wild

Oh I've waited enough!
For hatred, for love
to tell me who I'm
supposed to be!

I'll break down the door,
I'll go out, what's more
I'll finally now
How to be me

Oh and my calling will call as it
Calls to us all
If I wait a little longer it'll
Open the door
And I'll finally know what
I am here for
And all I need do is
Wait a little more…


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