A Designs Hammer EQ on a Mix (2-bus)

Описание к видео A Designs Hammer EQ on a Mix (2-bus)

The A Designs Hammer Analog Vacuum Tube EQ is demonstrated on a couple of full mixes. This modern state-of-the-art broad stroke program EQ works as a monstrous coloration tool when strapped across a full music mix or 2-bus. Whether you are looking for broad tonal shaping in the mixing or mastering process, or are looking for a tool to simply add a beautiful soft blanket of subtle tube coloration and warmth, this box works wonders. While not a highly surgical corrective EQ, there are few sources of musical content that can benefit from some small or major tonal shifts made musical by the Hammer. Sound Pure sales/recording experts walk you through the use of this EQ that they love, and are also available for your questions by phone toll free at 888-528-9703.


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