Horace Satire-1.4 summary// explanation(Hindi)

Описание к видео Horace Satire-1.4 summary// explanation(Hindi)

Horace Satire-1.4 summary explanation(Hindi)

The Satires (Latin: Satirae or Sermones) is a collection of satirical poems written by the Roman poet, Horace. Composed in dactylic hexameters, the Satires explore the secrets of human happiness and literary perfection. Published probably in 35 BC and at the latest, by 33 BC,the first book of Satires represents Horace's first published work. It established him as one of the great poetic talents of the Augustan Age.

Horace’s first literary manifesto. He discusses Lucilius’ outspoken frankness and says
that his poems are not really poetry at all but ‘closer to everyday speech.’ His choice of
subject-matter is motivated not by malice but by a gentle desire to help others with the sort of
good advice which his father had given him.



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