Seven Bad Reasons for Teaching Grammar (and a couple of good ones); A paper by Michael Swan

Описание к видео Seven Bad Reasons for Teaching Grammar (and a couple of good ones); A paper by Michael Swan

Michael Swan is the author of what many English language teachers would cite as THE definitive grammar book- Practical English Usage- but in 1998 he wrote a great paper outlining SEVEN bad reasons for teaching grammar (you can find it on his site in the link below). It really stands the test of time so if you’re interested in what these seven reasons are... press play!

Michael Swan's site
Link to the original paper

And if you like this and want to see more, head to my website where you'll find my Grammar for Language Teachers course and Teaching Grammar Communicatively

00:00 Introduction
01:25 Bad Reason 1 - Because it's there
01:59 Bad Reason 2 - It's tidy
02:32 Bad Reason 3 - It's testable
03:18 Bad Reason 4 - It's a security blanket
03:55 Bad Reason 5- It made me who I am
04:31 Bad Reason 6 - The whole system
05:03 Bad Reason 7 - Power
05:44 The Result
06:42 Good Reason 1- Comprehensibility
07:10 Good Reason 2 - Acceptability


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