Unpacking My Hospital Bag After Stillbirth

Описание к видео Unpacking My Hospital Bag After Stillbirth

Thank you to Ariel ( A Rainbow From Onyx) for giving me the courage to upload this video. I hope this reaches and helps other moms like me.

Hi, I'm Braxton's Mommy. I was 40 weeks + 1 Day pregnant the day that I learned Braxton no longer had a heartbeat. That was the worst day of my life- the day my life was changed forever.
When I was pregnant with Braxton, I LOVED watching Youtube videos. I spent so many hours watching videos about pregnancy, newborns, what to pack in a diaper bag or hospital bags. I recently decided to start documenting my journey after losing Braxton. I want to do anything I can to keep my son's name alive. Filming my feelings has helped me cope and I have hope that one day I will also help other parents who have also lost their baby.

If you have also lost your baby, please comment or message me. It helps to know that we are not alone. When I have more courage, I plan to post more videos and talk about this topic- Still birth; there is so much I wish others knew about stillbirth and I just want to bring awareness while keeping my son's name alive.


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