Marche Triomphale - Bruce Steane

Описание к видео Marche Triomphale - Bruce Steane

Marche Triomphale - Bruce Steane (1866-1938)

Score can be found here:

James van den Brink
As an amateur organist, James wishes to share God's gift of music through these simple recordings of the "King of Instruments", the pipe organ, and its music.  Beginning his organ studies at the young age of six with his sister Marguerite de Jonge, he further studied with Niagara organist, Lesley Kingham, MMus.  James is currently the Music Director for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, has been a church organist for nearly 20 years, accompanied a community choir, Musica Sacra Chorus, for over a decade, and was a long standing member (tenor) of Niagara's premier chamber choir, the Avanti Chamber Singers.  James also serves as Treasurer for the Niagara Centre of the Royal Canadian College of Organists (RCCO).  Additionally, he has a professional career as an accountant (CPA, CMA).

Recording Location:
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
323 Simcoe St
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON  L0S 1J0

The Organ:  Keates-Geissler (2006)

Prestant 8'                    61 pipes
Hohlflöte 8'                   61
Dulciana 8'                    61
Octave 4'                       61
Super Octave 2'           61
Mixture II-IV 1-1/3'      208
Trumpet 8'                    61
Great Super

Salicional 8'                  61 pipes
Voix Celeste 8'             49
Gedeckt 8'                     61
Spitzprincipal 4'           61
Koppelflöte 4'               61
Doublette 2'                  61
Sesquialter II 2-2/3'    122
Scharf III 1'                   183
Hautbois 8'                   61
Swell Super
Swell Sub

Bourdon 16'                    32 pipes
Gedeckt 16'                    Double Valve (1-12)
Octavebass 8'                12
Bassflöte 8'                    12
Choralbass 4'                 32
Rauschpfeife II 2-2/3'  64
Contra Hautbois 16'     12 (half-length)
Oboe 8'                            (Swell)
Great to Pedal 8'           Reversible (thumb, toe)
Great to Pedal 4'
Swell to Pedal 8'            Reversible
Swell to Pedal 4'
Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great 8'            Reversible
Swell to Great 4'

Divisional thumb pistons: Swell, Great, Pedal (6 each)
General toe pistons (6)
Full Organ toe piston
Balanced expression and crescendo shoes
Indicator Light
3/4HP blower
Colonial casework
Pitman chest with universal wells
Electronic switching
Electronic multi memory (8 levels) combination action
2 - 61 note manuals in French Terraced drawknob console with roll top
32 note concaved radiating steel framed pedalboard
Adjustable and lit music rack
27 ranks
24 stops
25 note chimes with electric action

Recording Equipment:
Samsung S22+


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