Dmitri Hvorostovsky - For the shores of your far homeland

Описание к видео Dmitri Hvorostovsky - For the shores of your far homeland

D. Hvorostovsky - baritone
M. Arkadiev - piano
A. Borodin - music
A. Pushkin - text

Д. Хворостовский - баритон
М. Аркадиев - фортепиано
А. Бородин - музыка
А. Пушкин - стихи

Dlja beregov otchizny dal'noj
ty pokidala kraj chuzhoj;
v chas nezabvennyj, v chas pechal'nyj
ja dolgo plakal pred toboj.

[Moji]2 khladejushchije ruki
[tebja]2 staralis' uderzhat';
tomlen'ja strashnogo razluki
[moj]2 ston molil ne preryvat'.

No ty ot gorkovo lobzan'ja
[svoji]2 usta otorvala;
iz kraja [mrachnogo]4 izgnan'ja
ty v kraj inoj menja zvala.

Ty govorila: ,,V dyen svidan'ja,
pod nebom vechno golubym,
v teni oliv [i mirt]6 lobzan'ja
my vnov', [moj drug]7, sojedinim.``

No tam, uvy, gde neba svody
sijajut v bleske golubom,
gde pod skalami dremljut vody,
usnula ty poslednim snom.

Tvoja krasa, tvoji stradan'ja
ischezli v urne grobovoj,
[ischez i]9 poceluj svidan'ja...
No zhdu jego: on za toboj!

For the shores of your far homeland

For the shores of your far homeland
You left this strange land;
Within this unforgettable hour, this hour of sadness,
I wept lingeringly before you.

My cold hands
Tried to detain you;
Dreading the anguish of parting
My moan beseeched you not to go.

But you wrenched your lips away
From our bitter kisses;
From this country of gloomy exile
You bid me to another land.

You said: "On the day of our rendezvous
Under the ever-blue skies,
In the shade of olive trees,
Our kisses, my friend, will again re-unite us."

But there, where the horizons
are radiant blue,
and the waters dream beneath the cliffs,
you fell into eternal slumber.

Your beauty, your suffering has
Disappeared into the grove;
Disappeared also is the kiss of our meeting,
But I await it: You owe it me!


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