New Era of Smart Manufacturing

Описание к видео New Era of Smart Manufacturing

In this episode of the "Our Connected World" podcast, we delve into the transformative impact of discrete, hybrid, and process automation technologies on manufacturing. As these technologies evolve, manufacturers are achieving unprecedented economies of scale, customization opportunities, and maintenance predictability. Yet, there is much more to be done to fully realize their potential. This episode explores how industrial engineers can bridge the technical gap to develop new architectures, enabling smarter machines across factory floors.
What steps can industrial engineers take to advance smart manufacturing? How can they leverage new technologies to create more flexible and efficient production processes? These questions and more are explored in today's episode.

Episode Highlights:
• Virtual PLCs and Flexible Production: Ivan discusses how virtual PLCs enable flexible, decentralized production, reducing hardware costs and enhancing real-time decision-making.

• Smart Industrial Machines: Anil explains the benefits of modular and adaptable systems, emphasizing the shift towards sustainable and efficient manufacturing processes.

• Robotic Automation: The conversation covers the role of modern robots, from AGVs to cobots, in increasing production flexibility and efficiency through reprogrammable and AI-enhanced capabilities.


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