Prison Escape from Klescher- WALKTHROUGH- -

Описание к видео Prison Escape from Klescher- WALKTHROUGH- -

Criminals prefer better kitchens than the Klescher Facility provides - here is the criminal way out. Done with the "need a way out?" mission for solo players. The route you need to take is the same if you are in a group and then got to Security Outpost Kareah to wipe your criminal record there.


here is the link to the IC: https://issue-council.robertsspaceind...

---- My other guides to watch: (With CHAPTERs for your convinience and without fillers and BS)
Guide for 31 things to improve your Quality of Life:    • Star Citizen - 31 things you might ha...  
Guide for E.S.P. & Sensivity curves:    • Star Citizen E.S.P. and Joystick sens...  
Guide for 90k pre run Bunker missions:    • Star Citizen - 60k, 75k and up to 90k...  
Guide for Delivery missions:    • delivery missions - all you need to k...  
Guide for Medical Play:    • Star Citizen - Medical Gameplay a det...  
Guide for understanding the Hud:    • Starcitizen Tutorial - HUD and cockpi...  
Guide for Ship Modules & Loadouts:    • Star Citizen - Ship Modification - ex...  
Guide for new Absolute/Relative settings:    • outdated!!! Star Citizen - 3.20 - New...  
Guide for HoSaS and gamesettings:    • HoSaS Setup for 3.24.2 - VKB Gladiato...  
See the acomplished Medical Rescues:

Download the HoSaS setup high-res Image for patch 3.23:

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My Ship in Video:

00:00 goals, tasks, requirements
00:58 getting the mission
02:03 through the tunnel/ cave to the Datakey
08:39 to the surface and Freedom

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Starcitizen is teaching #buddhism: it's better to travel well, than to arrive - and life is suffering.


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