《我是一条小河》旋律简单朴实,歌词充满哲理和感动,唱出了一条小河坚韧不拔、奋斗拼搏的故事。听它,感受大自然的神奇与美丽,享受它带来的片刻宁静。 🎵周强Music🎵

Описание к видео 《我是一条小河》旋律简单朴实,歌词充满哲理和感动,唱出了一条小河坚韧不拔、奋斗拼搏的故事。听它,感受大自然的神奇与美丽,享受它带来的片刻宁静。 🎵周强Music🎵

If there is really a language in the world that can be understood regardless of time and space, regardless of race and regardless of national boundaries, there is no doubt that it is music. Zhou Qiang Music is committed to creating a channel for music dissemination and music exchange, to deliver the sound of true beauty to the world. If it appeals to you, please subscribe to our channel and leave positive comments. We will update our works from time to time, may the world be peaceful, may your world be full of laughter and song.


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