Refractories | Tundish Refractory | Refractory Technology

Описание к видео Refractories | Tundish Refractory | Refractory Technology

Tundish refractory lining is a crucial component in the continuous casting process of steel production. The tundish is a refractory-lined intermediate vessel used to distribute molten steel from the ladle to multiple casting molds or billets. Its primary function is to provide a controlled flow of molten steel, ensuring a smooth and consistent casting process.

The refractory lining of the tundish plays a vital role in maintaining the quality of the steel and preventing any contamination during the casting process. It must withstand high temperatures, thermal shocks, and the corrosive nature of molten steel and its constituents, such as iron, carbon, and various alloying elements.

Key characteristics of a well-designed tundish refractory lining include:

High thermal insulation: The lining should have excellent insulating properties to minimize heat loss from the molten steel and maintain the desired temperature throughout the casting process.

Good thermal shock resistance: The refractory lining should be able to handle rapid temperature changes without cracking or spalling, which can occur during the process of receiving and distributing molten steel.

Chemical resistance: Molten steel contains impurities and other elements that can erode the refractory lining over time. A high level of chemical resistance is necessary to ensure the lining's longevity and prevent contamination of the steel.

Slag resistance: During the casting process, slag can form on the surface of the molten steel. The tundish lining must be resistant to slag attack, preventing it from mixing with the steel and affecting its quality.

Low thermal conductivity: Low thermal conductivity reduces heat loss through the tundish walls, improving energy efficiency and the overall performance of the continuous casting process.

Common materials used for tundish refractory lining include alumina, magnesia, chromite, zirconia, and graphite-based refractories. Different combinations of these materials are used to achieve the desired properties and performance.

The proper selection and maintenance of the tundish refractory lining are essential for achieving consistent steel quality, reducing downtime due to repairs, and optimizing the steelmaking process's overall efficiency. Regular inspections and repairs are necessary to extend the lining's lifespan and ensure the continued success of continuous casting operations in steel production.

#refractory lining
#steel plant


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