Sperm Memory Through Epigenetic : A Study Review

Описание к видео Sperm Memory Through Epigenetic : A Study Review

Did you know that you do not only transmit your DNA (your genes) to your offspring, but also other elements your self such as your lifestyle ?

Your diet and your weigh have shown to be strong factors, in other words, if you eat unhealthily and/or are overweight, your children have more chances to have health issues... even before they are born !

And this apply as well to the mother as to the father.

In this article, I share with you some discoveries about how the sperm actually carries this memory and pass it to the embryo, hence, the child.

This non-DNA informations are coded into what are called 'epigenetic factors', more specifically histones, which are proteins covering the genes.

These discoveries matches what the Institute for the Study of Peak States have discovered and described year ago already regarding the transmission of epigenetic damages.

Moreover, stress is also transmitted, and not just from parent to child, for across multiple generations !

These stress show up as pre-conditioned emotional reactions, sensations and behaviors, or in other words : traumas.
Generational traumas are passed down from ancestors through offspring, and this study is just another proof of how this work.

More information on epigenetic & traumas on my channel, especially on this playlist :    • Subcellular Psychobiology & Psychoimm...  


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