Resident Evil 6: Agent Hunt Longplay [Episode 5]

Описание к видео Resident Evil 6: Agent Hunt Longplay [Episode 5]

(This video would have been available sooner but youtube had a bit of a tantrum and got stuck processing it, so I've uploaded it again.)
Games 178 - 204

And here it is, the last longplay I've got to upload of the backlog I've been sitting on for over a year now. I didn't intend to get these uploaded so late, but at least they're finally done.

I'm going to make a start editing the games I've recorded on the PS4 so far soon, and this time I'm not going to let them get on top of me. For example, This time I've only got about 70 games to edit so far whereas last time I had 119.

I can't promise that I'll have the next longplay done and uploaded by next week, as editing is a slow process, particularly when you're not very good at it/still learning it. XD

Anywho, Enjoy this video in the meantime and I'll be back with the next one a whole lot sooner than a year later.


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