Описание к видео WILD AQUARIUM 1

Legendary river explorer Ivan Mikolji takes you on interesting freshwater journeys to secret locations in tropical jungles recreating the habitats of your tropical fish in an aquarium, using only natural elements found in their habitat. Follow the author and discover the unknown secrets of the world's natural aquariums... the rivers.

Ivan Mikolji has created an extensive number of serial shows and documentaries that have become instant classics in the aquarium hobby. Starting with his majestic Freshwater Aquarium Documentary , Wild Piranha 1, and Morichal Largo River documentaries, followed a behind the scenes look at his expeditions in The Fish Guys Series and then his wildly successful Wild Aquarium series.

Wild Aquarium is a movement within the fish-keeping hobby which involves visiting an aquatic habitat such as a lake, river or stream and setting up a temporal aquarium in situ with the aim of mimicking the habitats seen on the spot. For the creation of a Wild Aquarium, only materials and animals collected from the specific habitat are used and are usually returned to their original setting once complete.

Ivan's Wild Aquarium video series started the Wild Aquarium movement. Ivan’s ingenious idea of creating an ephemeral aquarium using only the materials found around a body of water has been applauded and emulated throughout the world. Once completed, all materials are promptly returned to nature. This has encouraged people around the world to take their hobby from inside their homes to the outside world, further encouraging ecological interaction.

Do you wish to learn more about freshwater fish and their natural habitats? Visit our website: https://www.mikolji.com

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Our new book ‘Fishes of the Orinoco in the Wild’ is here:

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What cameras does Mikolji use?

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Who is Mikolji?
“You cannot preserve something that you don’t know exists”

Ivan Mikolji is a river explorer. He has dedicated decades of work to assisting scientists capture never before accessed images and habitat information.

Those who have benefited from his decades of passionate, groundbreaking work call him much more: author, photographer, videographer, conservationist, artist, lecturer. These are not casual titles. To put the impact and scale of Mikolji’s work into perspective:

•His initial Wild Aquarium YouTube video has over six million views.
•He has contributed to international conservation research projects in Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico.
•He has completed more than 100 expeditions visually documenting the Colombian-Venezuelan Amazon Basin

For the past couple decades, audiences—from scientists to conservationists to hobbyists—have valued his work and remained loyally submerged in the content he has produced.

#Aquarium #freshwater #Mikolji


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