How to prioritize tasks at work (task management when everything is important)

Описание к видео How to prioritize tasks at work (task management when everything is important)

Here, you will learn how to prioritize tasks at work when you are overwhelmed or in general feel like you have too much to do. I go through six task management methods that you can use to prioritize when it seems like everything is important.

I believe I am not the only one who has finished school, came to a new workplace and wondered: how do you prioritize your work? Everything seems like it's important, how do you choose what to do when everything is a priority?

In this video I go through six task management methods that you can use to prioritize your work which include the Eisenhower matrix, must do, should do, could do, down prioritizing meetings and much more!

I hope that after you have watched this video, you feel like you can prioritize your tasks so that you are less overwhelmed and feel more focused in the workplace.

0:00 Intro
0:58 Have a solid task management system
2:15 Use the Eisenhower matrix
5:06 Must do, should do, could do
6:03 Include your meetings when prioritizing
7:06 Prioritize when you are well-rested
8:00 Get help with prioritizing
9:10 Finishing up

I post videos on personal and professional development which includes business skills, productivity, applying for jobs, living with purpose and to have a happy and mindful life and more! If you want to see more content from me, make sure to subscribe!


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