rooms & doors reach A-100 with gummy flashlight

Описание к видео rooms & doors reach A-100 with gummy flashlight

yeaa i reach A-100
A-10: after you reach A-10 go back to see it do not go close
A-10 more! after you see the hole don't fall it
A-40:you hear locker close sound don't open it
or you opened it got jumpscare and take short damege
A-60:you hear he is coming just hide
hint:you hear the A-60 don't hide fast A-50 is kill you stay in locker!
A-60':start attacked A-50 room you hear A-60 hide and hide again!
hint A-60':hint is your flashlight hint it A-60 gones and you flashlight
it's hint the spawn A-60' get out locker and get in the locker again
A-90:just do not move any WASD
A-100:you use flashlight get damege (gummy too)
you can kill use the locker (dumb idea use 80 energy oofs)


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