Have The GLORY DAYS Returned? [Mosquito Lagoon Scouting Trip]

Описание к видео Have The GLORY DAYS Returned? [Mosquito Lagoon Scouting Trip]

On a recent Mosquito Lagoon Scouting Trip, I saw shades of the past GLORY that was Mosquito Lagoon!!

The seagrass was TALL and PLENTIFUL!

Redfish were tailing and cruising all over.

Get the Power Prawn USA Junior Gold Digger: https://bit.ly/3KoHygb

Learn more about the tackle featured in this video and see the FULL Insider Report here: https://bit.ly/3dXIY5g

Blue tails and green heads!!!

Healthy redfish in the Mosquito Lagoon had me thinking it was 2007 again.

This trip was special and I hope a sign of growth and a return of stability to the lagoon.

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