How to Play Every Riff | Ocean Alley | Lonely Diamond | Tabs

Описание к видео How to Play Every Riff | Ocean Alley | Lonely Diamond | Tabs

In response to many, MANY requests for help with ‪@oceanalleyband‬ tunes, I figured I'd just shut up and give you

00:00 Dahlia
00:35 Tombstone
01:15 Waydown
03:05 Infinity
03:50 Up in There
04:45 All Worn Out
05:00 Stained Glass
05:50 Lonely Diamond
07:30 Wet Dreams
08:15 Hot Chicken
08:40 Puesta de Sol
09:02 Luna

This was lots of fun - and lots of hours. And my Slide playing improved!!
As always, don't take my notes/chords/Tabs as gospel. I wasn't there when they recorded this stuff. This is simply my attempt at mimicking the sounds I'm hearing. If I was covering these songs in the context of a guitar band, this is what I'd play.
I did include some keyboard notes here and there, such as in the song Lonely Diamond, and throughout some of the chord voicings. But again, that's just me trying to sound like what I'm hearing.

These are FUN riffs from a great Aussie band, so, have a crack!
Please enjoy, and please don't forget to Comment/Like/Subscribe/Share.

Transcriptions available at

Gibson ES-135
Yamaha Super-Axe
Fender Stratocaster
Hohner Madcat
No pedals or amps were troubled in the making of this video - except for the atrociously room-mic'd Fender Hot Rod Deluxe on that poorly recorded Way Down lesson. Apologies.
Everything else was D.I. with all FX generated in Garageband.
I know right?!
#guitar #tabs #leadguitar #lesson #tutorial


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