A Thousand More - MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop

Описание к видео A Thousand More - MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop

A Thousand More is a product of the MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop, where participants work alongside MediaStorm staff to create an intimate, character-driven documentary in just one week.

Learn more about MediaStorm workshops and online training at: http://mediastorm.com/train

As a toddler, Philly Mayer was healthy and happy. A chubby baby, he was quick to laugh and eager to get up on his own feet.

And then, before his first birthday, Philly suddenly stopped walking. His motor skills began to deteriorate.

After a slew of tests and endless emotional upheaval, doctors diagnosed Philly with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a genetic disease that occurs in an estimated 1 out of every 6,000 births and leaves the spine underdeveloped. His parents were told that he would not live past seven.

A Thousand More is the story of one family’s determination to give their son a whole and vital life. In the midst of a great burden, one small child – with a seemingly endless supply of love – can be the blessing that holds a family together.

A Thousand More is a product of the MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop, where participants work alongside MediaStorm staff to create an intimate, character-driven documentary in just one week. Learn more about upcoming MediaStorm workshops and online training at mediastorm.com/train.

Published: August 26, 2011

Photography & Video: Kristina Budelis, Piotr Malecki, Jeff Rhode
Interview: Kristina Budelis
Director of Cinematography: Rick Gershon
Associate Producer: Leandro Badalotti
Graphics: Jacky Myint
Producer: Eric Maierson
Executive Producer: Brian Storm

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