Tibia [ED/MS] - Werehyena spawn | 200lvl+ | 2.5kk/h and over 100k profit | [Tibia 2020]

Описание к видео Tibia [ED/MS] - Werehyena spawn | 200lvl+ | 2.5kk/h and over 100k profit | [Tibia 2020]

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0:00 Intro
01:06 How to get there
01:20 How to attack
01:50 Experience statistics
02:15 How to defend
03:16 Hunting ground overview

03:49 Death clip
04:20 North
04:43 South

05:20 Profiting

06:02 Preys

Hello, Hello my Tibia friends. Let me present you a new series of videos showing only single spawn in a single video. I don’t like making long materials so that way I could go into more details in those videos. Last time I showed you a Werehyenas spawn in Darashia. Added with the 2020 Summer update.That time I didn’t know how good that spawn was, and I was still exploring it. After trying it a few more times It turned out to be extremely good spawn in terms of experience and rich in gold as well. On my level getting 2.4kk/h and 100+k of pure profit was done without much effort.

To get to the spawn just head north from Darashia depot. It’s really close to the city. No quest accesses are needed here.
Basically there are 2 types of monsters here which You’re gonna hunt.
Were hyaena
Were hyena Shaman
Both are vulnerable to Ice damage. Werehyena are also weak for holy, where shamans for death damage.
To summarize:
Druids use your ice spells along with avalanches.
Sorceress: utilize energy spells instead of flame ones. As well use avalanches :)

Each hyena gives 2.2k of experience points. Here is the experience / health points ratio for each of them. (0.81, 0.88 shamans). Winter courte elves (0.93) to comparison.

So we know how to attack them, but how to defend ourselves? They deal quite significant damage with physical, poison and death. Ideally get yourself a bear skin armor with gill legs or earthmind raiment / gill armor. If you are poor go for terra set. Any earth mitigation items will do the job. In your amulet slot put a koshei amulet. Even elven amulet might be a good idea, since it gives 5% protection against all elements. For your ring slot, equip a butterfly ring.
The last item is a moonlight mirror in the arrow slot. Btw. I highly suggest finishing the dreamcourt quest. You will get 3 good items for death, fire and mana drain protection.

But let’s go back to the spawn.
There are 2 floors which you should consider to hunt. At -3 there are only hyenas and at -4 were hyaenas and were hyenas shamans. I will definitely aim for -4 especially If you’re around level 200+. Whole -4 floor could be splitted into north and south. I highly suggest going north. We have 2 big floors and quite a lot of space to run there. Each time you run into the room then start doing circles and be prepared to equip an energy ring because you may be easily one shot. Just take a quick look at this short clip where I died. I should have equipped my energy ring for the whole time while dodging them in this tiny room. That way I would survive.
South: When it comes to the south. Things are getting more complicated. Mostly because rooms are more clunky and It is really hard to dodge them without getting trapped. When going there be prepared to receive quite significant damage. Energy ring is mandatory.
Here is the map with the route which I was following. The experience will be a bit lower than in the north, but after all It is better than nothing. So If someone is hunting only north then do not hesitate and go straight to south.

Let’s say a few words about the profit here. They drop many valuable items like red / yellow gems or crystal fragments. For us - mages it is great news because this kind of loot is so light in weight. Exactly what we are looking for.
And here are some more statistics: Werehyena in average drops 850 gold and werehyena shaman 1000 Gold. That gives us even better Gold to Health Points ratio than glooth bandits:
0.307 - werehyena
0.4 - werehyena shamans
0.239 - glooth bandits
That is a great result and additionally they are weak to ice damage. Lovely….

Last thing to mention: Preys. To be honest every prey is going to be a huuge boost here. Of Course I would prioritize XP boost and attack damage. But when you go south even defensive prey should be good enough. It should minimize your waste.

And that is it for this episode. Go and hunt those hyenas before Cipsoft nerfs them. I think It is going to happen sooner or later just like with Diremaws. Were hyenas are soo good when It comes to solo spots for druids. Such a good place with profit.

See ya later Tibians. Have a great day.



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