New GATORZ Blastshield Protective Eyewear

Описание к видео New GATORZ Blastshield Protective Eyewear

With its innovative interchangeability feature, GATORZ Blastshield gives you the best of American Craftsmanship in eye pro. Designed with protection and comfort in mind, you can effortlessly adapt to different environments while maintaining optimal visual acuity and a superior field of view. GATORZ patented quick and easy lens change with our Innovative Clamp Mechanism (ICM) for weather or environment transitions. Our center mount functionality reduces visual impairment, offers a wider field of view, and is impact rated ANSI Z87+, /MILSPEC Ballistic protection. Extreme comfort under helmets or ear protection with thin, adjustable Ghost Temples

We are American Craftsmen creating the most innovative, durable, high-quality USA made eyewear for those who push the limits every day.​

Made in America - Durable Aluminum Frame - Lifetime Frame Warranty
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