Pupi Nursery Rhyme | Tastes Song | Malayalam cartoon songs for children

Описание к видео Pupi Nursery Rhyme | Tastes Song | Malayalam cartoon songs for children

Pupi malayalam Nursery rhymes ♥ PUPY Cartoon song for children ♥ Tastes song ♥ Manchadi (manjadi) Pupi(Pupy) Kathu ♥ SUBSCRIBE US FREE : https://goo.gl/NHbYQv

Friends, we eat a variety of food every day
Each one has a different taste. Right?
Mango is sour, jilebi is sweet and bitter gourd is bitter!

★ Lyrics ★
Hip o hurray!
Hip o hurray! the monkey bit
Hip o hurray! the hot chilly
Hot, its hot, the monkey twitched
'Thithay' he ran around
Thaka thaithay, he cried aloud

Hip o hurray!
Hip o hurray! the monkey bit
Hip o hurray! the hot chilly
Hot, its hot, the monkey twitched
'Thithay' he ran around

The tiny little squirrel bit
the mango on the tender branch
Alas! its sour, up he jumped 'chil chil chil' the little squirrel
Alas! its sour, up he jumped 'chil chil chil' the little squirrel

Hip o hurray!

Better its bitter gourd,
the rabbit bit, a bottom bit
Bitter, bitter, it's a bitter tale...
Bitter, bitter, it's a bitter tale
Better run, hold up the tail

Hip o hurray!

Taking gooseberry from the ground
the bear munched it, all at once
Taking gooseberry from the ground
the bear munched it, all at once
Sourish, he spat and spat...
Sourish, he spat and spat
fainted and fell down soon

Hip o hurray!

The little rat stole and gulped
jilebis plenty, in the shop
The little rat stole and gulped
jilebis plenty, in the shop

Sweet its sweet,
Sweet its sweet, he shouted loud
and jumped and jumped, the joyous rat

Hip o hurray!

हिंदी के लिए:    / thithly  

മലയാളം:    / @hibiscusmedia  

తెలుగు:    / @manjira  

#pupi #cartoon #forkids #nurseyrhymes #babysong


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