REWORKED Sulphuric Serpent - Aquatic Scourge | Calamity Infernum 1.9

Описание к видео REWORKED Sulphuric Serpent - Aquatic Scourge | Calamity Infernum 1.9

Who could have known that even in the uninhabitable acid sea, the sea serpent still habits the waves.


🕓 Timestamps:
00:00 Phase 1
01:16 Phase 2
02:17 Phase 3
03:52 Equipment
04:26 Outro


🌍 World Download:


🛠 Texture pack:
• Calamity texture pack
• Foundry & Alchemy
• Colored Relics
• Calamity HP/Mana UI


🎶 Music in the video:
• DM Dokuro - "Outcast of The Sulphurous Seas"
   • Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "Outcas...  
• DM Dokuro - "Wasteland"
   • Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "wastel...  


#terraria #calamity #infernum


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