A Pipe and a Poem: Tolkien’s Song of the Ent and Entwife

Описание к видео A Pipe and a Poem: Tolkien’s Song of the Ent and Entwife

Greetings, dear viewer. Join me for a pipe and a poem this afternoon as the day dissolves into twilight.

Today I’m reading J.R.R. Tolkien’s Song of the Ent and Entwife from The Lord of the Rings. It’s a beautiful melancholic tale of the Entwives departing, never to be seen again. And all that remains in the Ents is a deep longing to one day be reunited with their beloved.

May you find peace and everlasting joy~

Clamavi De Profundis - The Ent and the Entwife
   • The Ent and the Ent-Wife - Clamavi De...  


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