Tests For Examination Of The Cervical Spine - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Описание к видео Tests For Examination Of The Cervical Spine - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes tests for examination of the Cervical Spine.
1-The Spurling's test is used to assess nerve root pain. The patient should be seated with the head turned towards the affected side and the clinician standing behind the patient. Downward compressive force to the top of the patient’s head is applied. The test is positive when the compressive force being placed on the cervical spine causes radiating pain down the patient’s arm.
2-Lhermitte’s sign: also called the Lhermitte’s phenomenon. This is the sensation similar to an electric shock that occurs when flexing or moving the neck. The sensation radiates down the spine, often into the legs, arms and occasionally the trunk.
3-Hoffman’s sign: test is done by flicking the nail of the middle or ring finger to produce flexion of the index finger towards the thumb. The presence of the reflex indicates an upper motor neuron lesion from spinal cord compression.
4-Wide based gait: a wide based gait occurs due to myelopathy. This gait disturbance is described as clumsy, staggering movements. Look for associated compression of the cervical spinal cord. Patient example of myelopathy with significant cervical spine disc compression of the spinal cord.

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