Learn Hip Hop Dance: The Prep Dance

Описание к видео Learn Hip Hop Dance: The Prep Dance

How to Dougie: http://bit.ly/DOUGIE
Warm Up and the Groove

1. Get yourself into position by placing your feet about shoulder length apart. Bend your knees slightly and get into the groove with the beat of your music. Keep your shoulders, hands and arms loose. You don't want to be stiff at all in any part of your body.

2. As you bend your knees with the beat of the music, bounce slightly up and down with the groove. Begin to shift your weight to your right foot.

3. Keep bouncing with the groove and shift your weight to your left foot. Be sure to keep bending slightly at the knees as you bounce and shift your weight right to left and left to right.


Every time you shift your weight and perform two quick moves in a row, lean back slightly as you bounce with the beat and groove of the music.

1. Start in position with your feet about shoulder length apart. Bend your knees slightly and bounce slightly up and down with the beat of the music. Shift your weight to your left foot and face your body toward the right.

2. Bring your arms up in front of you and imagine your right arm is a mirror. Check yourself out in this "mirror" twice with the beat of the music.

3. Next, shift your weight to your right foot and face your body slightly to the left. With your right hand, mimic a brushing of your left shoulder twice with the beat of the music.

4. Shift your weight back to your left foot and face your body slightly to the right again. With both hands this time, mimic two brushings of your right pant leg up around your thigh area. Lift your right leg up off the floor as you brush with both hands.

5. Now, shift your weight back to your right foot and face your body slightly to the left. Bring your left hand up and place it behind your head very quickly.

6. Follow this by dropping your left hand and bringing your right hand up to the right side of your head. Perform each of these hand movements with the beat of the music.

Music by Btonez of #TeamWest Productions

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