4 Creepy Stories from Traveling the World | Solo Female Travel

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After traveling as a solo female, I’ve found that one of the only things that basically every country in the world has in common the harassment, assault, and mistreatment of women.
This doesn’t mean that you should be fearful and limited in your travels. Here are a few guidelines that can keep you safe and feeling secure on your trip.

The two most important Rules of Solo Female Travel:
1. Don’t get intoxicated
2. Don’t explore at night by yourself

These aren’t the most fun rules but they’re the most simple lessons I learned the hard way and now they keep me safe when I’m traveling.

Think about the animal kingdom. Predators prey on the weak and vulnerable and the same is true for humans. Be awake and alert, be aware of your surroundings. When your energy is strong and secure because you’re confident in where you are and what you’re doing, people generally don’t want to harass someone who looks like they know how to stand up for themself. This isn’t the case 100% of the time obviously so it’s also essential to have thick skin. Also, as much as it makes my blood boil, it helps a lot to wear really conservative clothes when you’re traveling because uneducated men who harass women, see skin as an easy target or depending on the country it could be completely offensive to not dress modestly which is a whole different type of situation that requires you to always be aware and respect local customs.

To sum up some of my advice:

1. Think Critically
2. Use Common Sense
3. Have Self Confidence
4. Be alert and aware of your surroundings and your belongings.


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