Ep #45: "Circle of Friends" Book release | feat. Swami B.V. Tripurari

Описание к видео Ep #45: "Circle of Friends" Book release | feat. Swami B.V. Tripurari

Swāmī B.V. Tripurāri is a lifelong monk and practitioner of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism, a tradition of Hinduism that advocates the path of devotion to God (bhakti-yoga). Since the 1970s, Swāmī has traveled the world as a simple renunciate, learning deeply from elders on the path, and inspiring others to cultivate nonviolence and devotion. Through nine scholarly books on the theology and philosophy of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism, three ecologically sustainable intentional communities, international retreats, hours of poetic discourse, and his own personal example, Swāmī offers practical mystic insight with both profound wisdom and a tender heart of devotion. Very rarely do we find a person able to address the anxieties of postmodern life in ways that resonate, enliven, and provide meaning and impetus to engage in selfless giving.

In this episode, Swami presents his new book "Circle of Friends", an exposition on Sakhya-rasa.


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