Kirk the Rude Narrow gauge engine (an OC Created for Sodor Railway Studios)

Описание к видео Kirk the Rude Narrow gauge engine (an OC Created for Sodor Railway Studios)

After suggesting an idea for an episode for his series involving a rude Narrow gauge engine who is worse than Duncan I came up with Kirk a Rude GWR Rheidol Tank a class of engine that worked on the Vale of Rheidol Railway a Narrow gauge Railway in Wales that was operated by the GWR,
Kirk is from a heritage Railway on the Mainland who was on Loan to the Skarloey railway when they needed help however Kirk pleasured himself in being rude and belittling the Skarloey engines for being Smaller than him but he particularly took a dislike to Duncan due to his prejudice towards Scottish engines and would continue harassing him until Duncan stood up to him after witnessing Kirk bulling his friends this in turn lead to the others to call him out on his Hypocrisy and Mr Percival would catch him in the act and sent Kirk packing and sees that he isn't invited back by telling his controller about his behaviour and is taken to Vickerstown (to wait to be taken home on a mainline train) on Donald's goods train much to Kirk's dismay


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