A Wrath Playlist (Shaman Classic PvP)

Описание к видео A Wrath Playlist (Shaman Classic PvP)

RE-UPLOAD ALERT. They hated one of my song choices, had to fully RE-UPLOAD. Cheers.

Hey everyone, back at it with another video. I decided to give Wrath all my effort this time around. Casually raided, played arena's a few times a week, and even did some dailies. Lacking a bunch of phase 4 content because the moment they announced Season of Discovery I started working on this video to never looked back.
Keep in mind the video is for fun. Yes there are plenty of undergeared folks and I'm sure a handful of bots but damn do those big numbers look good on them.

Decided to not put any arena footage in the video. I only played 3's and bounced around 2200 each season which is not quite Gladiator so if you're interested in getting better at arena I have a list of streamers I've been watching all year who will give you a lot more than anything I could show.

Guild: dad & simplicite
Benediction - PvP US

Music Playlist:
All or Nothing - Hex Cougarhttps://open.spotify.com/track/0t9RRa...

Turn - Original Mix - David Folkebrant, Lokovskihttps://open.spotify.com/track/2tI9JG...

Dance With Me - Kevid de Vrieshttps://open.spotify.com/track/7i08Ah...

We Are Not Alone - GHEISThttps://open.spotify.com/track/71ty7u...

Underwater - Noyadehttps://open.spotify.com/track/5fnndS...

Vapor - Triomphe

Streamers I followed on Wrath:
BlackBetty (Elemental):   / blackbettytv  
Petero (Resto Shaman):   / peterotv  
Skilerx (Elemental):   / skilerxtv  

#wow #wrathofthelichkingclassic #wotlk #shaman #wowpvp #wowclassic #wrathclassic


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