Type 052C Air Defence Destroyer: First Step to China's Primacy at Sea

Описание к видео Type 052C Air Defence Destroyer: First Step to China's Primacy at Sea

The Type 52C is a multi-role destroyer capable of handling air, surface and submarine threats, but strongest in area air defence. It is the first PLAN destroyer referred to as the Chinese AEGIS, providing an air defence umbrella for the fleet.

It is the first destroyer the PLA Navy was willing to produce in large numbers, because it incorporates key lessons from the evolution in PLAN surface warships from 1990 to 2010. Its anti-ship firepower is less impressive, but can support attacks by more advanced destroyers.

China as a 21st Century Naval Power, by Michael McDevitt, Chapter Three
Naval Liberary app
Sino Defence Forum: https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/t/ty...

Keywords: Chinese Navy, China, military, Type 052D, Type 52D, Type 055, Luyang II, Luyang III, Luyang 2, Luyang 3, S-300, revolver rotary VLS, HQ-9, HHQ-9, YJ-62, ASW, anti-submarine, theatre air defence, regional air defence



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