Jayo Munindassa Subodhi Mule

Описание к видео Jayo Munindassa Subodhi Mule

Jayo munindassa subhodhi mūle
Ahosi mārassa parājayohi
Ugghosayuṃ Deva gaṇā pasannā
Ethena sachchena Jayassu mayhaṃ
Ethena sachchena Jayassu thuyhaṃ
Ethena sachchena suvaththi hothu

Lord Buddha defeated the Mara's and conquered evil and attained Samma Sambuddha beneath the shade of the wonderful Bhodi tree. The devas were delighted and rejoiced.
By the power of this truth may I be victorious in terms of walking the path and achieving Nibbhana.
By the power of this truth, may you be victorious by achieving nibbhana
By the power of this truth may all living beings attain nibhana.
The formidable energy produced by this wonderful Bhodhi tree helped Prince Sidhartha to attain Supreme Buddha.
I visualise that I am sitting under that wonderful Bhodhi tree and that formidable energy produced by wonderful Bhodhi tree will help me too.


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