Tirannwn needs help… Leagues 5 Area Breakdown [OSRS]

Описание к видео Tirannwn needs help… Leagues 5 Area Breakdown [OSRS]

The beautiful city of the elves, except there is nothing to do lol. Tirannwn. Get some help bro.

►Yew Jack Discord:   / discord  
►Play OSRS: http://oldschool.runescape.com/

I've got more area breakdowns coming. You can check out that playlist here:
   • Leagues 5 Guides and Strats  

#OSRS #OldschoolRunescape #Leagues5

=== Chapters ===
0:00 Tirannwn, you were the chosen one!
0:04 Shops are okay really.
1:05 Skilling options are a bit weak.
3:29 Mob & Activity. Yes, singular cause there is so little lol.
4:52 More Bosses than Kandarin... Whoo!
7:09 Gear for two out of three styles....
11:17 Tasks and other thoughts


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