Sean Cheetham — Learn to paint alla prima portraits — Menorca Pulsar, Art Retreat

Описание к видео Sean Cheetham — Learn to paint alla prima portraits — Menorca Pulsar, Art Retreat

Menorca Pulsar, Art Retreat. Fall Edition 2018

Teacher: Sean Cheetham
Students: 16
Dates: October 8-14th 2018
Location: Son Triay, Menorca (Spain)

What will you learn in this workshop?

Sean will teach you the methods and concepts he himself uses in his personal work, clarifying every principle while he makes three hours live demo every morning. Afterward, in the afternoon, you’ll have your chance to show your best and practice what you learned, while he corrects your work.

If you’re a hard-working student and have a solid drawing and oil painting knowledge, you’ll get to organize your palette better and make more precise mixes. If you’re more like a rookie Sean will give you a boost and you’ll notice a huge change; but, don’t forget to keep on working on your class notes and practice the method for some time in order to settle all those new ideas properly.

Sean will change the way you see the model and the way you use your palette. So take a deep breath and keep in mind that you’ll leave behind some old bad habits. So cheer up, it’s for your own good!
Very briefly, you’ll get this knowledge at this workshop:

✓ You’ll learn how to organize your palette and how to use his famous mud-palette.
✓ You’ll practice advanced ideas on harmony, synthesis, and unity.
✓ You’ll learn how to limit the values and to understand the importance of edges.


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