Francis Fukuyama: Identity Politics – The Demand for Dignity and the Nation State’s Future

Описание к видео Francis Fukuyama: Identity Politics – The Demand for Dignity and the Nation State’s Future

The ERSTE Foundation Tipping Point Talks 2019

Thirty years ago, the Iron Curtain came down and opened up a tremendous range of opportunities for individuals, societies, and businesses in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. Back then, the today world famous political scientist Francis Fukuyama wrote the book The End of History and the Last Man. Suggesting that the end of communism would lead to the prevalence of liberal democracy, his theories are still triggering debates to this very day.

Boris Marte, ERSTE Foundation

Francis Fukuyama: Identity Politics – The Demand for Dignity and the Nation State’s Future

On-stage discussion
How do we foster democracy in Europe 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain?

Alexander Van der Bellen, President of the Republic of Austria
Francis Fukuyama, political scientist
Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, EU diplomat
Ivan Krastev, political scientist
Karolina Wigura, philosopher
Chair: Almut Möller


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