Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Desert Island Escape - Islands 1 and 2

Описание к видео Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Desert Island Escape - Islands 1 and 2

Some of you had been waiting for this, so here it is: This is the beginning of Desert Island Escape, a mini-game in Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival. However, this mini-game is so involved and complicated in its rules that I'd more call it a sub-game, something like that Slippy surveillance system game in Star Fox Zero. (No, I have no plans on getting Star Fox Zero.)

As the name implies, the goal of Desert Island Escape is to leave the island. In order to do so, the characters on the island have to create a raft out of three logs and a sail. Before you begin, you pick three amiibo cards of Animal Crossing characters (so no, you can't have Palutena, Shadow Mewtwo, and 8-Bit Mario on these islands), and that'll be your team. The order that you scan them in is, by default, the order they'll go in, though you can change that after you've scanned them in. Upon request, I picked up a Series 3 pack--these are Series 3 characters, which I was told is very rare to see on YouTube. For Island 1, the characters are Blathers, Ken, and Bam. I heard that Blathers really dislikes being out in the wild, so here he is. For Island 2, you'll see Gala, Rooney, and Rolf.

Besides building the raft, there are four other major concerns: Your team's food supply, items to craft into materials, time, and setting up the campsite each night. The time part is simple: You have a certain number of days (turns) to leave the island. The first set of islands gives you 7 days.

Depending on the composition of your team, it will require anywhere between 5 and 8 rations to feed them per day (with 6 being the most common). I am not certain what determines the team's collective appetite, but the rules remain the same: The game will keep track of how many food rations you have, beginning with 3 days' worth. That number will be subtracted at the end of each day. You lose if a day ends and not enough rations exist to carry them to the next day. To gain rations, the characters need to find an area on the island with a fruit tree, a fishing spot, or a beehive (but bees can sting).

There are various items to craft into tools that aid the characters. For the first set of islands, the available tools are a fishing rod (allows a character to fish), a slingshot (increases the odds of defeating an enemy), a shovel (neutralizes Pitfalls), and a bug net (increases the odds of gathering honey from a beehive and decreases the odds of getting stung). All of them require a stick plus one other object: A sheet of cloth will produce a bug net, a stone can be crafted into a slingshot or a shovel, and thread yields a fishing rod. You can make one tool per day at the end of the day.

Finally, there is the campsite location. After every character has taken his or her turn, a campsite must be established on a location already explored. When you select a campsite, every character will go there. The campsite is where you can craft tools and declare a day is finished, upon which that day's rations will be consumed.

Every island takes the form of a cluster of hexagonal tiles. Barren tiles give you nothing besides points. Inland tiles with flowers or trees will trigger a random event (such as finding fruit, enemies, raft pieces, etc.). Coastal tiles are normally barren, but if there's a silhouette of a fish off the coast, it's a fishing spot. Lookout tiles increase the visibility of the island. Mountain tiles are impassable except by a special ability, which I'll explain later.

Abilities and stats seem to be tied to the character's species. The boot indicates the number of spaces one can travel, the apple is the food bonus, the binoculars is range of vision, and the tree indicates a favorite fruit (bestows a big bonus). The ones in this video are as follows:

Blathers, as an owl, has Flight. He can only move two spaces at a time, but he skips a space each time he moves and can fly over water and mountains.

Ken is a chicken and has Sniff 'em Out! (Even though in reaily, chickens have a poor sense of smell.) When Ken ends a turn, he will identify what unexplored adjacent tiles yield.

Bam has Stealthy Movement, a deer ability. He can avoid enemy fights and detect if enemies are in adjacent tiles at the end of his turns.

As Gala is a pig, she gets Gimme! Gimme! This ability gives her increased likelihood of getting food and a higher amount, but there is a small chance she'll consume some right away.

Rooney has the kangaroo ability Whimsy. At the beginning of each of his turns, you spin a roulette to decide whether he moves 7 spaces or none at all.

Rolf has Lone Wolf because he is a tiger (and not a wolf). He will not come to the campsite and instead spend the night at his tile, and he will not take anything from tiles except food and raft ingredients (but food he obtains is shared). He also cannot use medicine or tools.

Now that I've said what I wanted to, welcome to DIE!


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