乌达木+奈热乐队《鸿雁》Nair Band & Uudam 2017 “Swan Goose” Mongolian Song 梦中的额吉

Описание к видео 乌达木+奈热乐队《鸿雁》Nair Band & Uudam 2017 “Swan Goose” Mongolian Song 梦中的额吉

乌达木+奈热乐队《鸿雁》Nair Band & Uudam “Swan Goose” Mongolian Song 梦中的额吉,来自草原的呼唤澎湃的蒙古歌曲。Mother In My Dream, Call From the Prairie 特邀著名中国内蒙古奈热·乐团Nair Band於2017年9月17日在温哥华并进行加拿大巡演。同时也邀请到著名歌手乌达木Uudam 来临。一个来蒙古的梦幻组合~ 曾经参加【中国达人秀】,凭着对亡母献唱穿透心灵的歌曲『梦中的额吉』而为人熟悉的少年歌手乌达木,以及刚刚提及过的蒙古乐团Nair Band奈热乐队于9月17日在河石大剧院联手带来一场让人难忘的演唱会!


奈热乐队是蒙古族原生态乐队。2011年12月成立于内蒙古呼和浩特,由六个蒙古年轻人组成,奈热(Nair)乐队风格是独特的蒙古原生态音乐风格。擅長使用蒙古呼麦、长调、通俗等唱法。主要乐器有:马头琴、潮尔、四胡、陶布秀尔、图瓦三弦、大马头琴、口弦琴、羊皮鼓、旮旯哈、吉他等。主唱: 恩和、马头琴: 巴那日苏、弹拨乐: 孟和乌力吉、鼓手: 朝乐门、呼麦: 海木日台、大马头琴: 牧仁。 歌手:乌日罕 Tuoya Wurihan、诺恩吉雅 Amada


承办方:翰枫教育集团 、翰枫语文学院
Hosts: Research Centre for Culture and Arts Society and International Multicultural Development Foundation.
Organizers: Universal Intercultural Education Group Inc.

Mother In My Dream - Call From The Prairie

The NAIR band 🎻🎶 specializes in traditional Mongolian music that represents the rich culture heritage of the Mongolian people and the deep meanings behind their songs. They are very well-known in Asia 👍 for their phenomenal musical talents that range from authentic voices.
Mother In My Dream - Call From Prairie features Nair Band (Chinese Mongolian Band) and renowned singer Uudam. On Sep 17, 2017, they will both perform live at the 河石剧场River Rock Show Theatre. For those interested in cultural and performing arts, don't miss this opportunity to hear them live! As a boy from the Grand Prairie, he dreamed about inventing an ink, one drop, the world becomes green Often, he dreamed of his passed mother Often, he is like a playful little horse, running freely on the grassland… He is Uudam, the little prince of the prairie. Su Na Ma - Wu Da Mu (aka: Uudam), born on September 9th, 1999, in a normal Mongolian shepherd’s home on Hulun Buir Grand Prairie. Although he suffered the loss of both parents at an early age, but under the care of Burneebayar and Urna, he has found his lost joy and happiness. He loves singing, playing soccer, riding bicycle, running and reading poetry. We wish that he will always be surrounded by the sunshine and be able to pass the happiness to many people.

"Nair" is a band name that has a deep meaning. Mongolian traditional holidays and festivities, as well as wedding celebrations are accompanied with great feasts that are called "Nair." Mongolians hold feasts for the winners of the Naadam wresting, archery and horse racings. Feasts are also held for many significant occasions and usually involve many people eating and drinking, and performing traditional songs and dances. This band aims to represent the rich culture heritage of the Mongolian people and their fondness for songs.

奈热(NAIR),蒙古语,有“盛会、欢聚”之意,也有“那达慕”之意。千百年来,马背民族自由驰骋于辽阔草原,举行盛会时,人们身着盛装欢聚一起,骑马射箭,角逐赛场,草原上飘荡着悠扬的马头琴声,人们载歌载舞,沉浸在节日的欢快之中。“奈热”是蒙古人追求和美、天人合一的具象化体现,也是蒙古民族崇尚自然、恪守信义的精神寓意。 “奈热乐队”旨在传承民族文化艺术精髓,让民族音乐走向世界,用音乐打开人类心灵之门!

Ray Van Eng 雷云影 is an accomplished media professional, award-winning screenwriter and movie producer. His work has been part of the Hava Nagila Exhibit at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in Manhattan in New York, NY from Sep 2012 to May 2013.


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