Learn How to Discover, Access, and Customize Multiple Datasets Using Earthdata Search

Описание к видео Learn How to Discover, Access, and Customize Multiple Datasets Using Earthdata Search

Short description: In this webinar we demonstrate core use cases of Earthdata Search while highlighting key features and functionality. Whether you are a long-time Earthdata Search user or just now hearing about Earthdata Search for the first time, this webinar will be useful for you in your efforts to search for, discover, and use Earth science data.

Detailed Description: Looking for Earth science data? Need to download data from multiple data providers? Struggling to get the data in the right format for analysis? NASA’s Earthdata Search is a data discovery and data access system that enables data discovery for more than 27,000 Earth Observation data products from NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), as well as U.S and international partner agencies across the Earth science disciplines. Through Earthdata Search, users can search and filter data results using a free-text search, science keywords, platforms, and instruments. Key features include both temporal and spatial filtering with options to display results on a map, and preview images along with data customization options such as variable and spatial subsetting, regridding, and reformatting for select data collections.

Discover and access NASA Earth science data using Earthdata Search: https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov


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