🔵240910 화 🔵I Left My Bag at the Airport (1)

Описание к видео 🔵240910 화 🔵I Left My Bag at the Airport (1)

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I Left My Bag at the Airport (1)

♡ 핵심 표현
try ~ing : ~하는 걸 시도해 보다 ※23.08.29 핵심표현
》어떤 최종 목표를 이루기 위해 뭔가를 한번 시도해 본다는 말임 (* try to 동사원형 : 동사원형이 최종목표임 )
예) 살을 빼기 위해 running, walking, skipping meals 등등을 시도해 봄.
In order to break the door, the cop tried kicking it.
Try calling his brother.
I tried pushing it and pulling it but no luck.
※ , but no luck : 하지만 잘 안 됐다 - 21.11.22 주요표현

♡ 핵심 단어
leave ~을 두고 오다[가다]
devastated 엄청난 충격을 받은 ( frustrated 보다 훨씬 강력함 )
contain ~이 들어 있다
document 서류
the Lost-and-Found 분실물 센터
speak (언어를) 구사하다
claim 요구하다, 요청하다
Japàn 일본

♡ 주요 표현
1. seem to 동사원형 : ~해 보이다 ※21.02.23 핵심표현
》겉으로 느껴지는 분위기를 묘사하기 적합
Ariel seems to like the gift.
No one seemed to know who I was.

2. take steps : 조치를 취하다
》steps대신 measures (※take measures- 24.05.09 주요표현) 사용가능
There are a few steps you need to take.
We will take steps to resolve this issue.

3. arrange for 목적어 + to 동사원형 : (목적어)가 (동사원형)하도록 조율하다
》arrange 한다는 것은 시간을 맞추고 장소를 정하는 등의 행위
I have already arranged for someone to pick you up.
I arranged for one of the agents to meet you in the parking lot.

♡ 어순 영작
I don't know what got into me, but I left my bag at a security checkpoint in Kansai Airport.
( I don't know what got into me. 무엇에 씌었는지 모르겠어요. )
※ get into 명사 : ~로 들어가다 - 23.01.19 주요표현

I feel devastated because it contains important documents and items.
( item 물건 )
※ feel 형용사 : ~한 기분이 들다 - 23.01.04 주요표현

I tried calling the Lost-and-Found,  but no one seemed to speak Korean or English.
( no one 아무도 )

What steps should I take to claim the bag?

I can arrange for someone in Japan to pick it up for me.

☆ 이런! 느낌
I burped so loudly on my first date. What steps should I take?


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