nanoVNA - Experimenting with a LoG Loop on Ground Antenna & X-Phase QRM Eliminator

Описание к видео nanoVNA - Experimenting with a LoG Loop on Ground Antenna & X-Phase QRM Eliminator

0:39 Laying out the loop on the ground antenna.
1:30 Measuring the loop’s impedance.
2:18 Doing some math.. selecting an impedance transformation ratio to match the antenna to 50 ohm coax.
3:06 Building the transformer.
4:47 An amazingly funny Ham Radio joke! Lol!
8:32 Measuring the transformer using the nanoVNA.
10:24 The final transformer build, including enclosure.
11:08 Trying out the LoG antenna under heavy local noise conditions. (Powerline arcing).
11:38 Trying out the LoG antenna under good conditions, and comparing receive to the dipole.
12:02 Another comparison between the dipole and the LoG under moderate local noise level conditions.
12:24 Conclusions based on my observations and introduction to the X-Phase QRM Eliminator…
13:07 Using the LoG antenna to phase against the dipole to cancel out a local noise source.
14:22 Final words.


   • KK5JY "LoG" Loop on Ground low-band R...  

   • Loop on the Ground Antenna - Part 1 of 4  


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