Move 37 - Dreaming of Electric Sheep

Описание к видео Move 37 - Dreaming of Electric Sheep

I made the video primarily because I’ve found it quite frustrating that when makers of expensive electric tooth brushers and cheap toys use the label Ai, many people then presume that all Ai must be cheap marketing hype. Or that Ai is seen as nothing more than clever programming.

This video sets out to correct those misapprehensions, and provide the evidence to show that nothing could be further from the truth. What I found was surprising, and the conclusions should make everyone sit up and take notice.

The video highlights some of the benefits video makers have today as a result of Ai. Some capabilities are quite amazing, and as recently as only two years ago were thought to be impossible. It demonstrates many of those new features and explores what is driving the investments into Ai.

I’ve tried to compact as much as possible in the video without making it heavy going, and I don’t get into any of the technical details underpinning Ai, so its suitable for everyone, video makers or not.

So, is Ai hype, or is it something else?

Ps The black logo in the top right hand corner indicates those images are Ai Generated.


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